Prostitution Advocated by UGA Campus Newspaper as Way To Pay Tuition

Picture of Original ArticleUGA’s campus newspaper Red & Black recently ran a feature in its print edition titled “Student skips loans, finds a sugar daddy.”  What I assume was originally the author’s attempt at hard-hitting investigative reporting somehow ends up suggesting that young, cash-strapped female UGA students consider getting themselves a sugar daddy in order to pay for tuition.  It reads like a paid advertisement for the sugar-daddy web service – an old Billy Mays infomercial has more journalistic integrity.

If this sounds fucked up to you in any way, I encourage you to contact the good folks at the Red & Black with a letter to the editor. Or if not, you could drop the author a message (one Adina Solomon, LinkedIn profile here) letting her know what you think of her groundbreaking reporting.


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