Siete Nueve Shares My Opinion About Daddy Yankee on New Single

Following my involvement in an epic troll comment-battle regarding Daddy Yankee’s recent endorsement of John McCain’s presidential campaign, I came across Siete Nueve’s new single, available for free download from his Myspace page.

The single is titled Quedate Callao, which roughly translates to Keep Your Mouth Shut.  Looks like DJ Eurok isn’t the only one that thinks DY = Tio Tomas.  (And in case you are wondering, the Artist I Like is Siete Nueve, not that other dude…)

Update: Angry Brown Butch also picked this up, and DJ Eurok and Vivir Latino have put up the YouTube video!!!

2 Responses to “Siete Nueve Shares My Opinion About Daddy Yankee on New Single”

  1. […] Siete Nueve keeps receiving nasty messages on his cell phone from Daddy Yankee fans who are upset about his latest single “Quedate Callao,” which is not-so-subtly aimed at Raymond Ayala.  But according to Siete Nueve, it isn’t even […]

  2. Sietenueve is keeping it real not like daddy yankee who is not thinking about his people. I can’t believe that Daddy yankee would do something like that. I liked DY music until I heard Sietenueve song. I didnt even know that DY endorsed MCcain. Ya Mccain only loved DY song because he wants more gas too, to make more money. Sietenueve keep your head up you still have fans that want you to achieve your goals. Ill be prying that one day you can make it bigger than DY. And to your boy Luis Diaz I love his music too.

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